Did You Know...

  • Nearly $100,000 in FOP funds have been spent on Mental Health Treatment - so far the treatment provided by the FOP has been self-funded by members

  • The cost for treatment is $90 on average PER VISIT, which is a lower, negotiated rate just for the FOP. FOP pays for 4 visits upfront, but most officers need many more visits

  • Most insurance plans available to officers don't cover mental health services

  • Goal is to fully fund the program for EVERY officer that needs help

  • Nationally, more than 250 officers were shot in the line of duty this year, 40 of which were fatal attacks

  • The suicide rate among officers is staggering - In 2019, 228 retired and current Officers committed suicide

Help us raise funds for the Utah FOP Mental Health Program

We need your help to give adequate help to those who are expected to protect us! For more information, send an email to: [email protected] and state "Foundation" in the subject line.

Why Donate?

Utah FOP has over 5,300 Members - One visit/week for a year = $30,000,000

Our goal is to take the burden off of members to pay for their care

$100/visit x 52 weeks = $5200 = $5660 Donation pays for 1 officer to get help every week for a year

$100/visit x 26 weeks (or Every other week) = $2,600 Donation pays for 1 officer visit every other week

$113,200 = 20 Officers every week for a year - Much more if they go less